Pulmonary Embolism Revealing Meadows Syndrome: Case Study

A-Hamad *

Department of Cardiology, Mohammed VI University Hospital Center, Marrakech, Morocco.


Department of Cardiology, Mohammed VI University Hospital Center, Marrakech, Morocco.


Department of Cardiology, Mohammed VI University Hospital Center, Marrakech, Morocco.


Department of Cardiology, Mohammed VI University Hospital Center, Marrakech, Morocco.


Department of Cardiology, Mohammed VI University Hospital Center, Marrakech, Morocco.

M-El Jamili

Department of Cardiology, Mohammed VI University Hospital Center, Marrakech, Morocco.


Department of Cardiology, Mohammed VI University Hospital Center, Marrakech, Morocco.


Department of Cardiology, Mohammed VI University Hospital Center, Marrakech, Morocco.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Meadows syndrome is a rare entity, defined as systolic heart failure occurring peripartum in the absence of underlying heart disease. Thromboembolic manifestations can complicate this syndrome but are rarely revealing. We report the case of a 30-year-old patient, without a history of cardiac, multiparous, who presented 3 months after delivery, acute dyspnea. Distal pulmonary embolism was objectified by pulmonary angiography. But the final diagnosis after an analysis of clinical, ultrasound and etiological data was peripartum cardiomyopathy complicated by embolism pulmonary. The evolution under medical treatment was hardly favorable with a worsening of systolic function complicated by a new episode of bilateral proximal pulmonary embolism after 1 month in a context of covid 19 infection.

Keywords: Systolic heart failure, pulmonary embolism, dilated cardiomyopathy

How to Cite

A-Hamad, Y-Eshak, E-Cheikh, O-Diawara, A-Aityahya, M-El Jamili, S-Elkarimi, and M-Elhataoui. 2024. “Pulmonary Embolism Revealing Meadows Syndrome: Case Study”. Cardiology and Angiology: An International Journal 13 (1):101-6. https://doi.org/10.9734/ca/2024/v13i1399.